Miersten Wolf is the newest production of The Drinking & Writing Theater in 2024!
Written by cofounder of The Drinking & Writing Theater Steve Mosqueda, Miersten Wolf tells the story of how one night Steve met a mysterious woman wearing a leopard coat named Miersten Wolf in a dream. He was so intrigued by this chance meeting he wrote a song about her. He didn’t think much about it and continued to write other songs because that’s what he does, he likes to write songs. He eventually realized the songs he had been writing were somehow connected to the mysterious woman in his dream. So he decided to put this collection of songs together and create the musical, “Miersten Wolf”!
Along with Steve’s 10 original songs, the story of Miersten Wolf involves personal stories, anecdotes and the history of Chicago’s water supply. As well as the forgotten tragedy of the 1909 water crib fire that took the lives of at least 70 workers on the icy waters of Lake Michigan.
Featuring Carolyn Benjamin, Steve Mosqueda and Alison Connelly! Directed by Sean Benjamin!
Original live music! Chicago History! Drinking! What more could you want?
The special fundraiser/preview will take place Saturday, June 15th, 3pm, at The Hideout, 1354 WEST WABANSIA AVE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60642
$10 at the door will include a sneak preview of “Miersten Wolf” and other special surprises! All funds raised will go towards securing a theater to perform the full show in the Fall!